13 The Golden Age


Edgar the Peaceable’s reign was a golden age of peace, prosperity and monastic reform. Unfortunately, once he’d gone his wife stuck a knife into her stepson, and the trouble starts over. But his reign should be remembered as the apogee of the Anglo Saxon state. Edgar’s is the first recorded Coronation oath, and still remains the basis for the coronation oath today.

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The Coronation Oath of Edgar the Peaceable, 973

This record has been copied letter by letter from that which Archbishop Dunstan gave to our lord at Kingston on the day that he was consecrated king, forbidding him to give any pledge except this one which he laid upon Christ’s altar as the bishop told him:

In the name of the Holy Trinity, I promise three things to the Christian people subject to me:

Firstly that God’s church and all the Christian people of my dominions will be held in true peace.

Secondly I will forbid robbery and all unlawful deeds by all ranks of men.

Thirdly I promise and command justice and mercy in all judgements, in order that the gracious and merciful lord, who liveth and reigneth, may thereby forgive us all through his everlasting mercy.

6 thoughts on “13 The Golden Age

  1. Hi David
    No pearls of wisdom here just a sincere thanks for putting this whole thing together – it’s fascinating. I’m completely up to date with all 13 podcasts and eagerly await each one. My morning walks to work have become a joy rather than a drudge. Best wishes. Garry Hamer, Coventry.

  2. I just found this podcast last week and am enjoying it immensely. I am truly in awe of how much time and work you have put into it. I love your sense of humor too. I am recommending the podcast to all of my friends.

  3. Yes, well I’m a Yank, so as usual late to the show. Truly love the podcast and plan to enjoy the entire series. Thanks for the tremendous effort this must take, but if the longevity of your podcast is any clue, it must be a love/fascination of history that drives your creative efforts.
    Thanks again

    1. Hi Maire, and never late, just choosing the perfect time! It is indeed the love of it – such a privilege to be able to spend so much time on a topic that gives me so much pleasure. And thank you!

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