201 Poyning’s Law

Ireland in 1495 was almost 3 societies living side by side. We take a trip to Ireland, hear about the Great Earl, and the law that became known as Poyning’s law. Plus, Perkin arrives – will Ireland welcome him as it did Lambert?

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Below are two maps. Both rather wonderful aren’t they – the Origenes one is amazing. Bit difficult to see the towns though – hence the second one





2 thoughts on “201 Poyning’s Law

  1. I have enjoyed your coverage of the Wars of the Roses. You have a great delivery. I do not catch most of your British expressions, but still like the podcast. I would like to have heard about the doings in Ireland during the Cousin’s War for at least part of a show however. I too was a Kingmaker player back in the day and have been hooked on the period ever since. I loved the game even though it was flawed.

    1. Yes I must admit I could have done much more on Ireland during the period. From memory I think I have a bit of a catch up after I get to Henry VII, but could be wrong. And yes, much as I loved Kingmaker, it was deeply flawed. the game always seemed to end with a massive bust up in the midlands because everyone decided the game had to end sometime!

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