218 Universal Peace

Wolsey had tried war with France, they’d tried war by proxy, they’d tried peace. In 1518 the most remarkable of their plans – the Treaty of Universal peace where 20 states guaranteed the peace of Europe.

And while you are here, who not give the  Thomas More Non Members quiz a go?

Download Podcast - 218 Universal Peace (Right Click and select Save Link As)

Election of the Holy Roman Emperor in 1518

In 1518, Maximilian finally shuffled off the mortal coil, and the election of the holy Roman Emperor took pl;ace in a blizzard of bribes. There were 3 candidates – Henry VIII, Francis I and Charles V. Essentially it was Charles’s to lose, and he didn’t. The resulting Hapsburg Empire was truly bind moggling. Have a look.





3 thoughts on “218 Universal Peace

  1. Howdy,
    I am wondering is you recorder podcast 217 last week and had trouble posting it. The last general podcast was a month ago and is numbered 216. And, in 218, you refer to something you said in the podcast last week. Thank you for your work, in any case.
    Good day

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