220a An Oasis Discovered

Here’s my story of the church  St Bartholomew the Grand and its founder. There are pictures and the text at St Bartholomew the Great

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10 thoughts on “220a An Oasis Discovered

  1. All right, you got me: signed up for my annual membership! Thanks for the info on this church! My family is traveling to England in the fall and I needed another place to drag my 10 year old son 🙂 Can’t wait!

    1. Thanks, and welcome! I’m sure your son will love the dragging. “Another church! Great, thanks Mum!”. I hope you have a great visit, and thanks for joining.

      1. I’m not sure whether it made me super cool or ultra lame, but despite my youth (a thing much missed – seems the height of cruelty that when we are young we are so keen to age that we include fractions – “I’m 8 and three quarters!”, to when we are teens and want to be able to (legally) drink and drive, then we complain about the studies and exams of university, and suddenly you’re 33, people are calling you “sir” and “uncle” (or, may the gods forbid, “father”), and each birthday includes fewer friends and more liquor!

        Uh, got a bit distracted. Point was that when I was maybe 10 or 12 or 14 I was lucky to be half-dragged to the Strasbourg cathedral, which was even to me at the time, just so beautiful, and there is a pub just across the square where I was allowed to drink a bottle of Duvel – a beer that is I think some 8.5% – with my dad while my mom and sis went shopping.

        I still find that cathedral especially beautiful, and it might be (or might not be) the cathedral which had an organ far far up on one of the walls.

  2. Hey David, I must become a member after this episode and I’m excited to begin my journey through Scottish history. This podcast brought me back to the first time I read, The Pillars of the Earth. Thank you for all that you do and continue to bring history to a world where it is needed most.
    PS- You have a Yorkist friend in the States.

    1. Hi Joshua, and it’s good to know I have a Yorkist brother out there! Even though was in the end forced to tear a strip off Richard (sigh). And thank you for becoming a member. I’m in the middle of finishing off writing about Anne Boleyn at the moment, and then can get back to the MacAilpin kings….

  3. I did enjoy this and look forward to more similar items. I know the church well as I spent over 30 years working in various locations in the City, all within a reasonable spitting distance of Bart.

    1. Hi there, and thanks. I have a few in the pipeline – particularly want to do something on St Magnus, hopefully before too long.

  4. When i first traveled to the UK with my parents, they threatened to take me to all the cathedrals in Europe- i said fine, but only if i get to visit 1 castle for every church =) pretty good deal i reckon. This episode reminds me of walking into Durham cathedral the first time (the beginning of a long love affair with religious architecture).

    1. Yes, I also remember the first time I went into Durham, visiting a friend at the university. And knowing immediately that this was the one I would prefer over all the other glories of church architecture. As it has remained yet! Still plenty to see though…

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