227 The Reformation Parliament

Thomas CromwellAfter Wolsey’s fall was a period of stalemate; but between 1529 and 1532, Henry’s thoughts crystalised, Anne became to be openly at his side – and a new weapon joined the king – the exocet that was Thomas Cromwell.







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4 thoughts on “227 The Reformation Parliament

  1. Ya know, I have a question. Why does it seem that the term Reformation is more associated with Henry VIII than the English Civil War. Because of the break with Rome, and the confiscation of the monasteries, on paper it can be argued that yes the Reformation happened during Henry VIII’s reign, but the substantive questions of “the” church’s legitimacy with respect to both form and function seemed to have culminated during the English civil war.

    As I have said in another post, I am living in the U.S.. Being Canadian I have some familiarity with English and European sensibilities. I believe many people with my background believe that both the Renaissance and Reformation represent phases that western society went through. Both expressed themselves differently throughout Europe and England, but each event/phase have essentially their own signature.

    The events and causes of the English civil war seemed to have more in common with the questions that permeated the debate about “the church” than what occurred during Henry VIII’s reign. Henry seems to have more in common with a tyrant than say a Beckett.

    Henry simply replaced himself as the head of the church. In my small pea brain, the engine behind the Reformation was changing faith from being a tool of control to a pathway to enlightenment( via being able to the read the bible for one’s self rather than being told what it said) and salvation. Henry did not want lay people to be able to read the bible, the catholic church did not want lay people to be able to read the bible. During the English civil war and the Republic, almost every aspect of religion was far more debated. It’s too bad that U.S. healthcare isn’t given the same scrutiny.

    I really struggle with this issue.

    1. Such a good point, and so right, and your brain is clearly no pea. It fact possibly melon like. I suppose it may be that it’s the first dramatic event; also it is worth noting that Henry does then get to theology, with the 6 articles and so on, but fiercely defends the mass and sacraments. The debate has always been between a short and long reformation. Many would argue that the earliest you can think of a Reformation that is irreversible is 1558, and really it’s not until, as you say, the English Civil War that many of the issues are fully worked through.

  2. I came across an article that seems to reduce my confusion. Obvious to most I supposed, but being mostly of peasant stock (even worst if my 23andme results are true about my Neanderthal lineage), the solution seems to be stop conflating the English and European Reformation together.

    I may be slow, but I do mull things over and your podcasts have forced me to realize the dangers of, if I may, projecting my contemporary world view onto yesteryears events. Although, I swear a certain orange hair gentleman who lives in a white house reminds me of what it must’ve been like to live under a king, a really arrogant king.

    1. Well actually, not obvious at all, and a point I must make as soon as I get the chance. About the reformation I mean, not the guy with orange hair….

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