Medieval Castles

The Medieval Castle Mention the Middle Ages and most people immediately visualize a great stone castle, surrounded by a sturdy moat, and protected by Knights on horseback and legions ofRead More

Medieval Prices and Wages

Medieval prices and wages are basically impossible to know. I can hear you fighting against this as a write but there are so many vagaries. Just for example – board and lodging wouldRead More

Glossary of Medieval terms

This is my best effort; but there are far better ones available done by folk who find more time that  – there’s one at NetSerf you can find by followingRead More

Feast Days in Medieval England

Jennifer asked a question about Feast days… so here is a list of the main ones in Medieval England, for the year 1200 – since as Les noted, Easter floats.Read More

2.7 Rise of the Thegn

The Viking wars helped create a centralised state and changed the English landscape

2.6 Life in the Warland

Warland was held by free families, amd its resources to be used in defence of the well being of the state and community

2.5 Life on the Inland

The Church brings resident institutions, and to support them the land and people must work harder

Transcript for Eleanor 5

While Eleanor was busily prepared by her household ladies for the big event, the union ofnot justtwo people but alsoof France and Aquitaine, the news would have been spreading rapidlyRead More

Transcript for Shedcast 41a

Hello and welcome to the Shed, and a new mini series of shedcasts, Parliament, Politics and Party. I had a couple of problems I should share with you about arrivingRead More

368 A Prince’s Punishments

In 1633 Thomas Wentworth arrived in Ireland – and despite great administrative efficiency, managed to separately outrage each of the components of Irish Society Meanwhile in London, William Prynne and John Lillburne stood form against tyranny.

Transcript for Shedcast 40b

Last time we talked about early tourism; well, we cheated a bit and took pilgrimage to be a tourist activity which is a bit of a stretch really. But hey,Read More

364 Before the English Came

The 1630’s saw an acceleration of English colonisation in the Americas. What cultures and peoples will they meet when they get there? A horribly brief survey of cultures north of the Rio Grande before the English came.

Transcript for Sh 40a

It so happened that one day, many moons ago when the world was young that I thought – how nice it would be to get some people over here toRead More

361 Charles in Charge

Charles had done the right thing of we wanted to avoid parliaments – reducing costs by making peace. But, how was he to raise money to clear that £2m debt? Well, two words came in to play – many, and various.

The Perfect Sword

The story of an ancient and exceptional sword found at Bamburgh by author Edoardo Albert

355 The Hearts of our People

The battle of Lutter in 1626 convinced Charles of the tearing need to intervene in the Thirty Years War in defence of hos sister Elizabeth’s rights and in the cause of Protestantism. But the cupboard was bare – how to raise money? Without calling that pesky parliament!

Transcript for Sh 39c

Last time then we heard about the hard lives of the majority of the people of Victorian Swyncombe, and the remarkable stability of the social structures of which they wereRead More

354 Parlement a sa Mode

The 1626 parliament was opened by William Laud – not a good sign for the resolutely Calvinist parliament. Despite a remarkably positive response to the call for subsidies – their linkage to resolutions of grievances did not go down well with Charles

353 Lawyers Vs Clerics

As the 1626 parliament opens, full of hope once more, we take a while to introduce William Laud, and discuss the idea that a theme of the English civil wars is an ideological struggle between lawyers and Arminian clerics