153 The Medieval Working Woman

Breaking StonesOnly 4% of women remained unmarried in the middle ages, and therefore for Harvestingboth men and women working life was a matter of team work. In towns in particular, women might find their opportunities for specialised work more limited than men, but not impossible – women like Margery Kempe showed how the mould could be broken. 

153 The Medieval Working Womanv2


3 thoughts on “153 The Medieval Working Woman

  1. At 30:50 an audio overlap occurs, when Kevin’s Weekley Word bit starts just as you are introducing him. Perhaps others have mentioned this issue; so the version I downloaded may have already been replaced. However, just in case you have the bits to fix it, I felt someone should mention it
    Thanks for your superb podcast.

  2. Hi Pamela…these sort of things kill me, because they come up periodically and I am always unable to solve them. However, I have noticed that it’s often about the local set up of the listener, and trying a different route solves it; you can find this on Stitcher and iTunes as well if the Typepad feed is not working.

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