243 A Jewel for Womanhood

In 1540 a new member at court, Catherine Howard, caught the eye of a king struggling with his marriage to Anne. By July Anne was gone and Catherine had embarked on her new career as queen of England.

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7 thoughts on “243 A Jewel for Womanhood

  1. Hey David,
    I looked what’s in store for the next few weeks and haven’t seen a second part for Catherine Howard. Is there an expected update to the schedule?

    1. Hi Tomer – sometimes it’s just the titles that are a bit opaque maybe; the next one, ‘No Time to Dance’ is the second part of Catherine’s story…
      Cheers, David

  2. Perhaps it’s because of my inner thirteen year old, but I giggle incessantly whenever the pig’s bladder is mentioned.

  3. Now hang on a minute – let’s be clear that Bill the Pony is alive and well at the end of the Return of the King and living in Bree!

    1. I was ashamed of myself for having forgotten. Call myself a LOTR fan? pah! I have been reminded, and so yes, thank you – we can formally announce that Bill did indeed survive.

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