265a Nicola Tallis and the Crown of Blood

I chat with historian Nicola Tallis about the life, times and death of Lady Jane Grey. And also there are prizes and things.

Download Podcast - 265a Nicola Tallis and the Crown of Blood (Right Click and select Save Link As)





6 thoughts on “265a Nicola Tallis and the Crown of Blood

    1. So close Tomer, so close! Thanks for being in touch through the year, it’s lovely to have your reactions to new episodes

    1. It was really interesting to do, thanks!I hope you enjoy the book – there’s a lot of it, but it is stuffed with insights

  1. Another smashing interview! (“smashing” means good, right?) Very enjoyable to hear two intelligent, articulate, enthusiastic people discuss a an interesting historical topic.

    1. It does, and thank you. I should have tried to interview Nicola for Margaret Beaufort too, but things got in the way

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