268a Thomas Cranmer with Diarmaid MacCulloch

Cranmer wide

Cranmer’s reputation has run from dishonest, ambitious politician to gentle, moderate Anglican. Prof. Diarmaid MacCulloch shed light on the life and motivations of the man central to the English Reformation.

Download Podcast - 268a Thomas Cranmer with Diarmaid MacCulloch (Right Click and select Save Link As)


Diarmaid wrote one of the great biographies in my view, which has been my constant companion these last 18 months, and I shall miss having it by my elbow. I have written a review of the book if you’d like to know more which you can find at: Thomas Cranmer: A Life by Diarmaid MacCulloch

2 thoughts on “268a Thomas Cranmer with Diarmaid MacCulloch

  1. After listening to your wonderful podcast for the past two years from its first episode to this latest one, I wanted to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed it. I’m from Tennessee in the U.S., and my interest in my own country’s history (and my family history) led me to learn a bit about English history.Your podcast has certainly helped put my study of U.S. history into a different perspective. The history is great, but I also enjoy the references to Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Monte Python, rock and roll and other pop culture. Keep up the great work! I look forward to learning more about Queen Mary’s reign.

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