211a The Shakespeare Controversy

    Released as a bonus Shedcast a few weeks ago, here’s Eddy McLain’s take on the Shakespeare controversy. For a number of centuries, people celebrated William Shakespeare and his works and talents.Read More

    181a Arthur by David McLain

    A third guest episode by David McLain. This time about Arthur, King of the Britons… 181a Arthur by David McLain  

    The Story of Cynewulf, 755

    In 755, the Anglo Saxon Chronicle records the story Cynewulf, the King of Wessex, and his struggle for leadership with Cyneard and Sebright. It is the earliest piece of writtenRead More

    Song against Richard of Cornwall

    Any chance to hear the authentic voice of ordinary people is rather exceptional for the early and mid medieval period – but here’s one example. It’s a political song ofRead More

    3 The Mercian Supremacy

    Offa becomes king, extends his authority over all England south of the Humber, and hob nobs with Charlemagne

    1.8 Revival

    Towns had simply disappeared along with the post Roman economy by 500. But slowly by 600 there’s tiny shoots of recovery discernible – so we talk about towns. And weRead More