193 The Blood of Innocents

    In 1483, the gates of the Tower of London closed on two innocent and defenceless boys; one, Edward, 12, captured and the other Richard, 10, given up by his mother.Read More

    101 King of France and England

    Edward faced a weary time, a weary time. His allies demanded money, he had none to give them. So they refused to  fight, while the French closed in on GasconyRead More

    57 The Excommunicate

    John took a detailed interest in administration, and made effective changes to the way things worked. Partly his interest was motivated by the need to raise money – as inflationRead More

    48 Richard and The Third Crusade

    Was the Third Crusade a success or a failure? While it failed to achieve its objective, it was the most successful after the First Crusade. It rescued Outremer from anRead More

    28 The Lion of Justice

    The youngest of William the Conqueror’s sons, Henry, wasted no time shedding tears for his brother Rufus. He got himself crowned, anointed and blessed. The next 6 years were toRead More

    27 Hateful to his People and Odious to God

    Rufus fell out big time with Anselm, his Archbishop of Canterbury. Unusually for Medieval Man he was impious and irreverent. Meanwhile, the Welsh struggled for independence against Norman tyranny, and makeRead More