148 Women and 1066, and Marriage

    As far as women were concerned, was 1066 generally a Good Thing, a Bad Thing – or just a Thing?  That’s the main item of debate this week, along withRead More

    38 Born of the Devil – the Angevins

    Geniuses, devils, spoilt brats, villains, heroes; war, sex, violence, bravery, treachery, peace, reform… the Angevins that founded the Plantagenet dynasty have it all, in spades. Not so much history, asRead More

    36 Magnates and Churchmen

    After joining Henry II's household, William's rise was steady – but with the arrival of Richard the Lion Heart it really took off. By the time of his death heRead More

    34 Anarchy III – Resolution

    Stephen and Matilda fought themselves to a standstill, until the Empress tires of the struggle, and essentially leaves the stage around 1149. Many of her key supporters die – MilesRead More

    32 When Christ and his Saints Slept

    ‘…they said openly that christ and his saints slept’. This stunning phrase gives us an image of devastation hat led to the period being called ‘The Anarchy’. In this episode,Read More

    27 Hateful to his People and Odious to God

    Rufus fell out big time with Anselm, his Archbishop of Canterbury. Unusually for Medieval Man he was impious and irreverent. Meanwhile, the Welsh struggled for independence against Norman tyranny, and makeRead More

    13 The Golden Age

    Edgar’s reign may represent the height of Anglo Saxon power

    12 The last King in Jorvik

      Edmund the Magnificent and Eadred finally defeat Eric Bloodaxe, the last king of Jorvik. But there are some social clouds on the horizon.   The Hundred Ordinances These areRead More